How a simple act of defiance shaped the breasts of females forever.

Why Women Burnt Their Bras

How a simple act of defiance shaped the breasts of females forever.

The burning of bras is often seen as a symbol of feminism and women's liberation. However, the history of the Suffragette movement shows that the bra has been used as a tool of oppression against women long before it became a symbol of empowerment.


The origins of the Suffragette movement can be traced back to the early 19th century, when women first began to agitate for the right to vote. In 1848, a group of women known as the Seneca Falls Convention held the first ever women's rights convention in America. One of the key demands of the convention was for women to be given the right to vote.

However, it would take another 50 years before women were finally granted this right. In the meantime, the Suffragettes campaigned tirelessly for women's equality. They staged protests, went on hunger strikes and even resorted to violence on occasion.


One of their most famous acts of defiance was when they burnt their bras in public. This act was designed to shock and draw attention to their cause. It also had the added benefit of making it difficult for the police to arrest them, as they could not be easily identified without their bras!

The burning of bras continued to be a popular form of protest throughout the 20th century. In 1968, a group of radical feminists known as the 'bra burners' staged a protest at the Miss America pageant in Atlantic City. They famously crowned a live sheep as their 'Miss America' and then proceeded to burn their bras and other feminine products in a trash can.


This act was widely reported in the media and helped to raise awareness of the feminist movement. It also inspired other women to join the fight for equality.

Today, bras are no longer seen as symbols of oppression but instead as empowering items that give women confidence and support. However, there are still some who see them as symbols of patriarchal control and use them as tools of protest against inequality.